- A believer in this Kalimah can
never be narrow in outlook. He believes in a God Who is the Creator of
the heavens and the earth, the Master of the East and the West and
Sustainer of the entire universe. After this belief he does not regard
anything in the world as a stranger to himself. He looks on everything
in the universe as belonsging to the same Lord he himself belongs to.
His sympathy, love and service are not confined to any particular sphere
or group. His vision is enlarged, his intellectual horizon widens, and
his outlook becomes as liberal and as boundless as is the Kingdom of
God. How can this width of vision and breadth of mind be achieved by an
atheist, a polytheist or one who believes in a deity supposed to possess
limited and defective powers like a man?
- This belief produces in man the highest
degree of self-respect and self esteem. The believer knows that Allah
alone is the Possessor of all power, and that none besides Him can
benefit or harm a person, or provide for his needs, or give and take
away life or wield authority or influence. This conviction makes him
indifferent to, and independent and fearless of, all powers other than
those of God. He never bows his head in homage to any of God's
creatures, nor does he stretch out his hand before anyone else. He is
not overawed by anybody's greatness. This attitude of mind cannot be produced
by any other belief. For it is necessary that those who associate other
beings with God, or who deny God, should bow in homage to some
creatures, regard them able to benefit or harm them, fear them and place
their hopes in them.
- Along with self-respect this belief also
generates in man a sense of modesty and humbleness. It makes him
unostentatious and unpretending. A believer never becomes proud, haughty
or arrogant. The boisterous pride of power, wealth and worth can have no
room in his heart, because he knows that whatever he possesses has been
given to him by God, and that God can take away just as He can give. In
contrast to this, an unbeliever, when he achieves some worldly merit,
becomes proud and conceited because he believes that his merit is due to
his own worth. In the same way pride and self-conceit are a necessary
outcome and concomitant of shirk (association of others with God
in His divinity), because a mushrik believes that he has a
particular relation with the deities which does not exist between them
and other people.
- This belief makes man virtuous and
upright. He has the conviction that there is no other means of success
and salvation for him except purity of soul and righteousness of
behavior. He has perfect faith in God Who is above all need, is related
to none and is absolutely just. This belief creates in him the
consciousness that, unless he lives rightly and acts justly, he cannot
succeed. No influence or underhand activity can save him from ruin. As
against this, the kafirs and the mushriks always live on
false hopes. Some of them believe that God's son has atoned for their
sins; some think that they are God's favorites, and will not be
punished; others believe that their saints will intercede with God on
their behalf; while others make offerings to their deities and believe
that by so bribing the deities they acquire a license to do whatever
they like. Such false beliefs keep them enmeshed in sin and evil deeds;
depending on their deities, they do not bother about their souls and
living pure and good lives. As to atheists, they do not believe that
there is any Being having power over them, to Whom they should be
responsible for their good or bad actions; therefore they consider
themselves independent to act in whatever way they like. Their own
fancies become their gods and they live like slaves of their wishes and
- The believer never becomes despondent.
He has a firm faith in God Who is Master of all the treasures of the
earth and the heavens, Whose grace and bounty have no limit and Whose
powers are infinite. This faith imparts to his heart extraordinary
consolation, fills it with satisfaction and keeps it filled with hope.
Although he may meet with rejection from all sides in this world, faith
in and dependence on God never leave him, and on their strength he goes
on struggling. Such profound confidence can result from no other belief
than belief in one God. Mushriks, kafirs and atheists have small
hearts; they depend on limited powers; therefore in times of trouble
they are soon overwhelmed by despair and, frequently, they commit
- This belief produces in man a very
strong degree of determination, patient perseverance and trust in God.
When he makes up his mind and devotes his resources to fulfilling the
Divine Commands in order to secure God's pleasure, he is sure that he
has the support and backing of the Lord of the universe. This certainty
makes him firm and strong like a mountain, and no amount of
difficulties, impediments and opposition can make him give up his
resolution. Shirk, kufr and atheism have no such effect.
- This declaration inspires bravery in
man. There are two things which make a man cowardly: (i) fear of death
and love of safety, and (ii) the idea that there is someone else besides
God who can take away life and that man, by adopting certain devices,
can ward off death. Belief in La ilaha illallah purges the mind
of both these ideas. The first idea goes out of his mind because he
knows that his life and his property and everything else really belong
to God, and he becomes ready to sacrifice his all for His pleasure. He
gets rid of the second idea because he knows that no weapon, no man or
animal has the power of taking away his life; God alone has the power to
do so. A time has been ordained for him, and all the forces of the world
combined cannot take away anyone's life before that time. It is for this
reason that no one is braver than the one who has faith in God. Nothing
can daunt him: not even the strongest tempest of adversity and the
mightiest of armies. Where can the mushriks, the kafirs
and the atheists get such great determination, force and power from?
They hold life the dearest thing in the world; they believe that death
is brought about by the enemy and can be warded off by running away from
- The belief in La ilaha illallah creates
an attitude of peace and contentment, purges the mind of jealousy, envy
and greed and keeps away the temptations of resorting to base and unfair
means for achieving success. The believer understands that wealth is in
God's hands, and He apportions it out as He likes; that honor, power,
reputation and authority - everything - is subjected to His will, and He
bestows them as He will; and that man's duty is only to endeavor and to
struggle fairly. He knows that success and failure depend on God's
grace; if He wills to give, no power in the world can prevent Him from
so doing; and if He does not will it, no power can force Him to. On the
other hand, the mushriks, the kafirs and the atheists consider
success and failure as dependent on their own efforts and the help or
opposition of earthly powers. Therefore, they always remain slaves to
cupidity and envy. They never hesitate to turn to bribery, flattery,
conspiracy and other kinds of base and unfair means to achieve their
ends. Jealousy and envy of others success eat them away, and they will
stop at nothing to bring about the downfall of a successful rival.
- The most important effect of La ilaha
illallah is that it makes man obey and observe God's Law. One who
has belief in it is sure that God knows everything hidden or open and is
nearer to him than his own jugular vein. If he commits a sin in a
secluded corner and in the darkness of night, He knows it; He even knows
our thoughts and intentions, bad or good. We can hide from everyone, but
we cannot hide anything from God; we can evade everyone, but it is
impossible to evade God's grip. The firmer a man's belief in this
respect, the more observant will he be of God's commands; he will shun
what God has forbidden and he will carry out His behests even in
solitude and in darkness, because he knows that God's 'police' never
leaves him alone, and he dreads the Court whose warrant he can never avoid.
It is for this reason that the first and the most important conditions
for being a Muslim is to have faith in La ilaha illallah.
'Muslim', as you have already been told, means one 'obedient to God' and
obedience to God is impossible unless one firmly believes in La ilaha
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